They said: We cannot post any of the pictures we took behind the scene until the show is out. So I cant post any of it. But for press conference, we can post pictures that are public already. Cause it's show on newspaper and NTV7 news. LOL, so here we go.
The press conference is on 17/10. First of all, what is press conference? Hahahah, to be honest, I have no idea too when they first tell me. I was like: Breast conference? LOL. Probably like 记者招待会? Is it? XD
As usual, arrived there. Make up & hairdo. Theme will be black and red. And also, as usual, my cloth got rejected :/ Hahaha, she borrowed me her clothes again. Damn nice :)
Breaksfast, lunch :) We ate a lot. And then eat snacks when we got nothing to do. Keep eating. Aww I love it. LOL. Then go to studio and start the demo part. You can see it on youtube. It's on NTV7 news on that night lol.

♥All of us on our own podium.. And the game is on the way going♥
On newspaper:
Ngek ngek~ but I didnt get the newspaper! Adoi~

♥Shit la,my friend found this. Do you have berita harian for today? give me T_T♥
Then finish with the game, go to our own seat. And those journalist asking questions. :D And after that, take pictures.

♥ Us, and the 2 hosts♥

♥Search for me?♥
And yea, end of the press conference. Eat and and and going for a girl's birthday party after that!
Just a short post, cant tell more until it shows on TV :)
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