This is the first day of the contest. I went there by myself and alone cause I cant find any friends to go along with me. *Sigh* :( When I get there, saw other contestants and we need to get change to the singlet they provided.

♥ This is what I wore on the first day. I knew it would be a long day and I wore sport shoe :D ♥
Then yea, after all the other girls come. We need to get on stage and introduce yourself. So annoying wei! Like someone is going to see this and vote for us. lalalala~

♥ Ken is briefing and tell us what to do ♥

♥ Introducing :/ ♥
Yea, actually I ask Jeff come to help me up. Just go to take a picture for me and cast a vote :D lol~ He came :D I was like: wow he is so damn freaking nice!!
And also, Carmen came without informing me and gave me a surpriseeee! ♥♥
Then the voting started. The girl contestants need to pull anyone they see in Farenheit88 and grab them to the stage to take a picture and make a funny pose as well. They will post those pictures on facebook and the winner(the funniest pose ever) will get a chance to win something. I forgot.
What I did was, I went to have lunch with Carmen and Jeff at Room Eighteen.

♥ Yuck, no nice at all♥
And then ShuYi called me: Ei Georgina where are you? I didnt see you at all! And I was like Oh shit! She realize I'm gone.
I was busying texting while eating. Asking the whole world to sms vote for me. Then my mum, she was busy helping me asking her friends to vote for me. And my friends, they were helping me to ask their friends to vote for me. Woooo~ Thank you guys so much!!
Half hour left. So I went back to ground floor. Start grabbing people to snap a picture. I think I only get 5 people to take pictures with me lol. Among those 5 peoples two are my friends. Others are my friend's friend. LOL. I didn't even make an effort to grab people. But then the highest one is 52 peoples. Those girls are good!
End of first day. We went to Sungei Wang to find Ah Wei yam cha. And went back at 6pm :D Wuhooo what a tiring day. But it's not end of my day yet. First, I stuck in traffic jam for 2 hours. Kanasai betul! After that, I went to Karaoke with friends and end up going home at 3am. Damnnnn~ and I slept at 5 because I still busying asking people to sms vote for me. 死厚脸皮到! -end of my first day-
5th of November (Saturday) Second day
Suppose today my contest will start at 3pm. And suppose I can sleep as late as possible. But my dearest besties Miss Carry Wong came so far from Taiping to support me. She woke me up early in the morning because we need to get out early and start her shopping lol. And we meet up at timesquare and grab our breakfast! Starving! We went to take our breakfast at Leo's cafe. Both of us are LEO :D

♥ My coffee, over bitter. wuekkkkk :P ♥

♥ SS is very important ! ♥
Then we start our shopping. Walking around Timesquare, Sungei Wang. LOL, I'm still in a blur & sleepy condition the whole morning. Wow, and then I got a text from Ken saying how many votes other girls yesterday for the photo session. And I was like, WTF, my name is not inside. LOL, and I turned to Carry and said: Ei, later you need to help me pull and grab people to take pictures with me! She was like: Sure no problem. Im willing to do anything for you to support you. Nawwww, so sweeeeet! ♥♥
We get back to Farenheit88 before 3pm and the contest already started. LOL, I was late I guess. So yea, Carmen is already there. And today, Im in a mood to pull humans around to snap pictures with me! Wahahaha!! But before start, I turned to Carry and said: Eh, dont want pull d la, let's just go eat again. XD
Seriously, I hate talking to strangers like this and forcing people to take pictures. Hahaha, people run away when they see us and they thought we're promoting something. Im standing there doing nothing talking to them and laughing and dont know what should I do.

♥ She is the only contestant that I knew before this contest. We knew each other from the TakeMeOut TV program ♥

♥ Devil & Angel ♥ LOL !! We were just playing around and not doing anything :p
And the best part issssss, I pull a white guy to snap picture with me. Wow, most of my friends know I love white guys a lot. This is actually the only one I pull from somewhere to snap picture with me! mwahahaha. The only one. Other people who snap pictures with me are actually pulled by other contestants before and I grab and force them to snap again with me. LOL~ Because we're allowed to do so. RAWR!!!

♥ The boy that Carry and I accidentally pull him to snap picture with me! :p ♥
Well, too lazy to type and tell everything. Let's pictures help me!

♥ My dearest dog dog, Miss Carry Wong came to support me from Taiping ♥

♥ Another lover, Carmen. She came to support me 3 days non stop :D ♥

♥ The white guy I mentioned, a new supporter, Jean from France, a new friend. The only one I pull to take picture with me :p ♥
Basically, I don't have much picture for the contest on second day. So we will see on third day. Which is the day we will know our result.
6th of November (Sunday) Third day
ROAR!! Another tiring day. I need to get there by 11am. So Mr Xun, borrowed us his car for Carry to drive. Omfg, can you imagine? You just bought a new car and you borrow to these two silly girls? I can't imagine what will happen to your car! LOL
So Miss Carry came to pick me up. And I drove to town and parked our car at Pavillion. Shit, a bad choice ever! Arrived, and start get our make up & hairdo.

♥ After done my make up and hairdo. Yerrrr :/ ♥
Today we don't need to pull people to take picture to get a vote. What we need to do today is they are going to test our make up talent. Arrg, given 5 themes. 1) Disco Night 2) 80's Glam 3) Rock n Roll 4) Avant Garde 5) Lady Gaga inspired
I searched from youtube before and get some pictures from that before that day. Rawrrr, but I seriously like Rock n Roll or Lady Gaga inspired.
After make up and hair do and before the contest start, I went to take my lunch first at Sakae Sushi. Hungry !

♥ Hungry hungry ♥
Let's pictures speak now! RAWRRRR!

♥ Lengluissss ♥
From left: Yuan Wei, she said she is boyish and don't make up and wear high heels usually. But she really damn cute when I first saw her!
Shu Yi: She is the first girl I knew on the briefing day, very talkative n funny n tall n leng !
Gina: She really damn fair n looks like a Korean. Everytime when I see her, she is smiling. And the smile is super natural! :)

Makiyo: Very tall also! Always smile and very funny also hahahaha
She is a lecture, and she sat beside me during the make up session :D
Brenda: lenglui~ and look very cool :D wuhooo

♥ They made a joke. They said you know what is Twin Tower? We are the towers and you're the bridge T____T ♥

♥ I like them :D ♥

♥ Padmene, a very friendly and nice girl :) ♥
Okay, back to the contest. Make up talent. They provided us some cosmetics and we can use our own make up. But I didnt bring any cosmetics on that day! OMGGGG :/
They didn't provided much. I'll show you what they provided lol.

♥ Just this. T__T ♥

♥ Was discussing it with BeiBei and oppps, middle finger :/ ♥
First, we will need to get on stage. Introduce yourself again and again for these three days. We will draw either one of theme from the 5 themes on stage. And I got 80's Glam. WTFFF.
All the girls start to go online and search picture from internet on their makeup themes lol. I'm in the first group.
Before started, we need to talk bout how we going to makeup and how how how and how.

♥ She is sitting beside me lol ♥
And then started :)

♥ wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ♥

♥ I have no idea what's so funny :/ ♥

♥ On stage posing lol wtf ♥

♥ She is making my hair more messy ♥
And then they will be three more groups. So we sat behind and chatting online facebooking and so on lol. Jean came to Farenheit88 again :)

♥ What we did while waiting lol ♥
LOL seriously I missed the group photo session cause I went to toilet! LOL! LOL! I keep going to toilet non stop. Big mirror, nice toilet lol.
Well, you can see. I don't really pulling any people to snap pictures with me. I really more focus on asking people to sms vote for me. This is what I plan to do since the beginning. But before the result announced. Carry told me: I don't think you will get high vote in sms voting. You know why? People might buys votes. You get what I mean? Is like they top up for their phone and keep voting for themselves.
When I heard this, I was like: OMFG, I really never ever think of this shits before! Cause all the girls look normal to me and won't do this. I can see they work so hard in asking people snap pictures with them. rawr~ XD
After that result announced. :/
Im the second highest in sms voting. Ngek ngek ngek!! Sei mei!! XD Get into Top12 and can go to Final leee~ Final will be happen in Zouk KL on January. Are you coming to support me again?
Anyway, back to topic. Really so lucky!!!!! Lucky lucky didn't waste my friends' $$ to me. So expensive leh one vote! RM1 leh. Wahlau. And hor, some they even vote 10 votes leh. RM10 liao! How can I disappoint them? Meow :3

♥ Elizabeth and me ♥

♥ Steal this picture from one of the photographer ♥

♥ End end end ♥

I kinda did a sia sui thing I guess. I didn't actually listen to what those emcee said on stage. I keep talking with them. And when I heard my name I just go to the stage and those emcee asked me to wait again. LOL, then I continue to talk with them. And then again, they said: Ok Georgina. Your turn now. T__T Shit, mensiasuikan lol
Then we started taking pictures. Carry damn excited. I want take pictures with you!! and your hamper!! -_-
~P I C T U R E S~

♥ Me ♥

♥ Excited her :p ♥

♥ My lovers ♥

♥ Mr Jean, a talkative & lengzai guy!! ♥
After the contest, we went to have dinner at McDonald just opposite Lot10.

♥ Our family dinner set! I likey likey! ♥
Then home, gonna pillow talk with her! But we ended up did a silly things. We went out to pick Xun's brother but we didn't bring any $ along. And guess what? We need to pass two tolls to get there! Mwahahaha. Lucky lucky we passed it all without using any cash. lol we cant stop laughing after that.

♥ Unpack those gifts together. And I have no idea how to use all these stuffs! ♥
-End of the story-
p/s: Click advertisement. No idea where to click? I'll show you now!!

♥ Click click click click! ♥

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