Talk about holiday? Photoshoot? My friend said is bored to read about my photoshoot. [Ya, right]. Travel? Lol, in Malaysia only. Nothing so fun. And I asked my cousin: Oi, what to write now? He said: This, that and that you can write. End up I said: Yerrr, lazy la. Dont want write d.
And now, after long thinking. I wanna write about random stuff
[cry, menangis, 哭, hao, ham XD]

When is the last time you ever cry? Yesterday? Last week? Last year? 10 years ago?
And why did you cry my baby?
Wait, are you male or female?
Seriously, I don't really see guys crying? Am I right? They don't cry like how girls cry. Girls cry on everything. Hurts her little toes, cry. Lost her puppy, cry. Fall down on the street, cry. Fail her exam, cry. Bf cheated on her, cry. Stop crying la babe !
But wait, it doesn't mean I cry on all those random stuff okayyyyy?
Ehem, tips for you.
When you see a girl crying, stay away from her because:
1) You might make her cry louder when you say: Dont cry la dont cry la~.
2) She will hit you like how she got hurts. [Hehehe you're her little victim]
What you can do is..
1) Hug her tight and don't say anything if you dare. She will smile when she realize how stupid she is crying on stupid stuff.
2) Stay away from her for 10m. Wait until she done and come back to you and slap you and LAUGH :D good good
Usually when there is farewell, you see lots of girls crying. People hugging, laughing, getting crazy than they used to be.
I saw those girls crying and they came to me and said: Wuwuwuwu, how come you're not crying?
I replied them: Duh, because they are still alive.
Conclusion: They cry during farewell.. like they will never ever forever meet again.
When you are watching some touching and sad drama alone, will you cry? [Ehem, don't be shy, nobody knows you're crying. I'm nobody :p]
Why are you crying? The drama is just drama okay? Stop being so weak and geli.
Conclusion: Omg, the dog dies at the end! [CRY!!]
Broke up with bf/gf. Cry like there is no tomorrow. I'm gonna die, I can't live without him/her. [So you mean you're a zombie before you know him/her?]
Why are you crying like a dumb ass for a fellow who doesn't know how to appreciate you my dear?
Conclusion: I got nothing now after he/she leave me. *cry* [Oh, got nothing? Give me all your money before you say that :D]
Watch horror movies. Too scare. Cry. [oh my gawtttttt. if you're scare, just don't bother to watch it!]
The girl: Wuwuwuwu, so scary. I'm gonna have nightmare tonight. [Yea, watching your face already my nightmare]
Conclusion: Don't watch horror movie with girly girl. It's gonna be your nightmare!
Fall down on the street, legs injured. BLOOD. I mean just a little bit of blood. And you see her crying like a baby. wuwuwuwu oh my god, blood. oh my god, hurts. oh my god, pain.
Duh, shut up. My ears are pain too.
Conclusion: If you see she fall down, laugh at her first. Pull her up. Laugh more. Look at her injured part, laugh more and more. And lastly, push her fall down again. Repeat and repeat :D
But I know cry isn't illegal or whatsoever. Cry actually good for health. If you type on google, you will see a lot of thingy like 100000 reasons why ry is good for health. Try it.
If you not a crying baby, shoulda start practice. Because like they said, ITS GOOD FOR HEALTH. So cry more, laugh less. Stop being so evil.
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