And during secondary school, some of my friends call me xiao mao means little kitten in chinese. My friend's sister, she calls me xiao mao jie jie. LOL. My buddy, she calls herself as dog and me cat. So we're so gay. Calling ourself cat and dog.
I love cats and dogs. My brothers love them too. We used to have lots of random cats around our house area. Super gay. We named those random cats with random names.
Good memories about cats? They are sooooooooooo cute!! ♥ and cute! I used to have 1 cat. We took care of it from kitten until it dead. Will tell you the story later :D
I probably want to talk about bad memories first because I only remember things that are really bad. Like what people said: When you do good, nobody remembers. When you do bad, nobody forgets. Conclusion is, our brain works really hard to remember bad things.
Back to the topic, we used to have 1 cat which is in black colour. Whole black. Really black. super black. hyper black. We called it OLYMPIC. You know why? When you read it in broken english, in hokkien, you heard of O LANG. means black people. Hahaha.
My brother love to keep it at home. Sounds dirty right? Hahaha. So one day, I scolded him and said: Let that cat go out! It needs freedom and pee poo out there okay? And.. guess what happen next? You won't believe it.
My brother was just like 5-6 years old. Early in the morning, before my dad send him to kindergarten, he was sitting out there playing with the cat and the cat was struggle really hard to get rid of him. My brother remember what I said and he hands off and let the cat ran out.
Trust me, this happened.
'B A N G'
A van bang the cat and disappear. My brother stun there for a few seconds. *This is what he told us*
Well, nobody tell me yet because I was still sleeping early in the morning. When I woke up, my dad called and said the cat dead this morning. If you don't believe, go out and check it out yourself.
I don't give a shit because my dad always put on prank on us and cheated us.
When my brother came back from kindergarten. He brought us to see the cat. And trust me again: It's a freaking nightmare when you saw it!! I won't believe. The cat's eyes are actually pop out from it's eye socket. Oh my freaking godddd!! and it's stomach flat. F F F F F F
You know what I did? I scolded my brother for letting it out! hahaha. And he said: You are the one who told me to let it out?
I was like: Oh yeaaa!! He listened to me! LOL.
And yep, this is the first story of dead cat. My first nightmare.
Second was the one I mentioned before. From kitten until how it died.
We found this cat when it's really small kitten, we named it 'PAPA meow'. I got no idea why. Hahaha. I don't remember much but I love it the most. When Papa grew older, it always disappear and we got no idea where it went to.
The last memory about papa meow was...............
My brother said a motorcycle or a car bang it. AGAIN?
But papa didn't die. Just saw it injured on it's legs.
Know what we did? We force our mum to bring it to pet clinic. HAHAHAHA
I don't remember who went along. My 2 younger brother and 1 older brother I guess. We went together lol. The veterinary gave injection to the papa meow and gave us some medicine. Vet said: Must give the cat eat ha, if not it'll die. Don't worry, it's okay now.
So we went home and stun when we saw the medicine. It's not in liquid form. It's like pills. Duhhhh, how you expect a cat gonna swallow it like this? :O
We crumble it and add in water and force the cat to drink it!! hahaha
I was holding the cat on my arm and forcing it to drink. My brother was looking beside me. Seriously, I feel helpless to see the cat suffering and don't know what can I do. After that, we went off to bed.
Early in the morning, my older brother. (Sorry, too many brothers..kinda confusing now lol). He wake me up before he went to school. He said: Hey, wake up. Your cat dying soon. I remember he said it in a really funny and joking way. Duuhhh, I hate people wake me up early in the morning like 6am?! wtf
I force myself to wake up and go near to the cat. My eyes are still blurry. Barely get to see clearly. I was looking at the cat and my brother came near me and asked me to touch the cat. He said: SEE, papa meow's body is getting really hard now, dying soon :D ! LOL, I can feel he is laughing or what beside LOL.
I get back to sleep. Few hours later, I woke up and get prepare to school. Finally, papa meow is officially dead. Bye bye!!
Cleaning the body all those things are never my job! lol.
I went to school, finished, back home and realized papa meow is gone.
And never come back anymore.
-END of second story of meow-
Now, come to the third one.
This happened like 5 years back. I remember. It's early morning again. I went to have breakfast with my auntie uncle.
Oh my god. I feel so sad right now and hardly to type more. :'(
So, I get off from the car and OH MY GOD. I saw a cute little kitten on the road side!! This kitten has cute blue eyes. omg, Im meltingggggg ♥♥♥♥♥ Its cuteeeee!
I said 'Hi' to the kitten. Then my auntie said: Enough, let's go. And she added in: Don't let the kitten follow you cross the road.
Well, we need to cross the road to go to the restaurant.
So was sitting there, ordered my foods and started eating.
Then I heard a 'POP' sound, and followed by my uncle saying: AIYOK AIYOK AIYOOOO!
When I look up to the road, *I was sitting facing the road but my head was actually facing my noodles* So, I looked up and saw the KITTEN.
The cat got bang by a car and I saw how it struggling on the middle of road. My another nightmare because the car actually run over the kitten's HEAD. It's head flat............................. F*CK!
Another car passed by and ran over the kitten again. My uncle scream: oh oh oh oh oh!! die die die!
And the kitten finally stop struggling and dead.
I wanna cry. But too shame. It was my fault. Should have listen to my aunt.
My fault right? :(
After finished eating, we crossed the road and walk pass the cat. My aunt told me don't look at it.
When I get into the car, I turned evil and thought: Bahhh why the hell I need to cry for the kitten?
Sorry cute little kitten :( ♥
-END of third story-
This is the 4th story which is just happen few days back. On 29 Feb 2012. Fuck the gay. HMMMM
Went to have lunch with my bf. And when we get back to the car, I said: LOOK !! There's a kitten below your car. You will kill it when you reverse the car!
So I squad and look at the kitten and said hello~
Wow, the kitten reply me in MEOW~~

* Look like this, common meow look :D*
I turned to him and said, what to do now? He said: Look, the kitten is shivering, it feels cold :D
I'm not gonna touch it because it seems sooooooooo dirty! opsss
Then,.. I got no choice but to carry the cat and put it far away from the car.
And the kitten came back. I was like: Oi no no, go away!!
The kitten actually stop and sit beside the tyre. I am so lazy to get out from the car and carry it and put it far far away again.
I turned and told my bf, it's beside your tyre, if you reverse, it will die. And when I turned back to the cat, OHHH, gone?!
So we reverse the car slowlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and then we heard 'MEOW!!'
Fuck, kena liao la!
I get out from car and saw the kitten vomit and dead.
- E N D -
After that, when nobody around, I start blaming myself. Why don't I just get out from the car again and put it more far away?
So.. end of the story..
I no longer like cats. Only pictures. :D
Go to google image, type kittens and I will fall in love over there :D ♥♥
Conclusion and moral value:
" If you have cats, teach them how to cross the road. And if possible, bring them along when you go for undang class. Tell them not to sleep beside tyre "
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