
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Typical Facebook Weirdos, are you one of them?

1) The Weird Stalker

How do you know if a person is a stalker? Well, of course you need to talk to them and they probably gonna tell you everything about it. Like when I hang out with my friend, they told me. "Eh, the abcd efgh and hijk lmnop is qrstuvwxyz." And I was like, this sounds familiar! Then they told me oh well, I saw you posted on your facebook status. Okay, nevermind. The next thing, they mentioned another status I wrote before. And the awesome part was, they said it out like they memorize the whole things. Awkward part was I don't even remember I had that status! So is abcdefg before hijklmn? 

Oh My ! 

2) Tagging Pictures Without Your Face In It 

Hello, what's the main point you tag me in? Like I don't look like you at all, I don't have your cute duck face, I don't have your fancy bags, I don't have anything in you. WHY THE HELL YOU TAGGED ME IN IT? I find it always weird when they tag their friends in their pictures and the caption wrote: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE ! with the fucking face in it! I can accept if you tag me with stuffs that your selling or your own business you just started on, but not your fucking face ok?! Why why why!!

3) Fake Shits 

Yea. the fake shits. Girls do make ups, had all their fake eye lashes and so on. We used to see how big different a girl with and without make up, but for me, the best part is, so what if it's just make up? She's not doing the plastic surgery alright? Talking about plastic surgery, I honestly think it's okay if you think you're not pretty enough. But once you got your plastic surgery, your fake boobies, your fake nose, fake eyes, fake lips and so on. I don't feel like you had anything real in you anymore. So, when you having all those fake things on yourself, stop claim that you can't find a real man. Look at yourself first. Stop posting all those scary pictures about your plastic surgery, your emo status where you can't find a real guy. Please. 


People just don't stop complain, so do I! I'll never stop complain, complaining about myself. So here's the things, we always see what we dislike to see in the facebook, I'm talking about myself LOL. I saw the girls posted her pictures with big boobs, and the caption is nothing related at all. But everyone knows what's the pictures mean do we? And yea I complain to my friend, I tell them: what's wrong with this girls? Is she alright? Okay I do complain. Some people don't do the complain like this way, they posted it on their status update calling that girl a bitch, they share a picture and telling others about that bitch. Seriously, what's the point you're doing that? That girl obviously seeking for attention and you're helping her to get more attention. If you don't like what you see, don't see. Is childish if you purposely share it out and call her a bitch. Everyone got a life, so why you care so much if you dislike her so much? 

5) Spam Games

Some friends are bored, so they started to stalk their old friends. Then they found something interesting so they like, they keep click like and like and like. And it's spam the other's notifications. Here the fun things, the other just print screen and post up the picture and say WOW, I  KNOW YOU MISS ME, THANKS FOR LIKING MY STUFF. What's even annoying is they spam back and here goes the spam game. If you know what I mean.

6) Punctual Check In

Yes, this is the most annoying stuff I ever seen. They keep posting the same outfit with their faces and just the different angles in a days and also the different times with different status. Like seriously? Why do you do that a lot? Can you imagine? 1am Here I am. 2am Still here I am 3am Well, still here. Anyone here? 4am Left, going another place, guess where Im going? 5am Gotcha, here I am. 6am Hello everyone good morning !! etc etc. Yo, you don't sien I also sien la wei~

Nvm, another case is. OMG OMG, 4 days, I'm going for plastic surgery. 3 days, I'm nervous. 2 days, OMG, I'm gonna kill myself now. 1 day, damn I'm fucking excited. 3 HOURS before, here I am. 2 hours, here's my room. 1 hour, these are all the money I'm gonna pay. 1/2 hour, Goodbye friend.

1 day after surgery, OMG, is fucking pain and it's fucking killing me. 2 day I think I'm pretty! 2 and a half day Gosh, is still pain. 3 days later, Oh no~ 4 days later it's getting better. Etc etc.

I honestly don't care about your diary, but if you made it public, you get my attention.

7) Everything throw on Facebook

Here we are! Like I said, everything! First, I met this guy. He is so cool. Then, I'm falling in love with him. He is so perfect. I could do everything for him. After that, we are in relationship. Then she posted whatever it is. Omg, this guy kick the dogs on the street. Omg this guy smell the neighbour underwear. Omg, this guy eat it after he picked his nose. I'm gonna break up. Oh he said he is sorry. Oh And I think I forgave him. Oh, smelling neighbour's underwear is something fun to do. Oh oh oh oh oh oh! Enough !!

Ok, anyway, I know we could just unfriend or block someone if we dislike to see what they posted. BUT, it's kinda like childish act if we did that. So I always tell my friends to hide all the posts from that fellow. End of story.

If you dislike to see, blind yourself. But if you too afraid of pain, hide the posts. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Crazy Stuff To Do

I always have some random and stupid stuff that i wanted to do. But doing it alone is no fun. So I wish there are some crazy girls will do it with me together. lol.

1) post shits on fb
We shits a lot. Sometime it's healthy sometime is not. Sometime I'm random sometime I'm not. Sometime you wish to share your awesome shits on social network just to tell others that you are healthy today!! 

2) bold together
Girls have long hair. But most of them always have a thought that what if I'm bold? How does it feels like to have no hair on head? What if all of us get bold together? Are you gonna be with me? 

3) walk back to Taiping
I'm staying in kl, sometime I wonder how long could it takes to walk back to my hometown which is 3 hours car journey. How weird is that seeing someone walking on the highway day and night? 

4) selfie?
Some Malaysian are sporting some are not. What happen if you randomly ask someone to selfie? They either run away or cover their face. But some might selfie together. So I wanna try and see how many times you got rejected, how many times they make you happy.

5) climb on a tree
Go to a crowded place, climb up a tree. Hide yourself. When people pass by, say something creepy but make sure they can't see you.

6) Act like secret Agent
Hop on a taxi and wear like secret Agent, tell the taxi driver Tolong kejar kereta merah tu!! Cepat!!

7) Racing grocery carts
I always wanted to do this. Did it with my brothers but that was at the parking lots. This time I wanna do it with few girls lol, screaming and running and pushing the grocery carts in tesco, giant or aeon. Waiting to get scold and chase out by the security guard.

8) Dress up like a male
I wanna do this like long time ago. Have a short hair wig on my head, wear like a male, walk like a male, talk like a male, and hit on girls like a man! (:

9) Pretend like foreigners
Pretend like a foreigners and speak lousy and no-one-understand English at the reception or counter in a tourist place. Ask if this place nice or big? How many zebras in this zoo? Got dead people in museum? Ask it in lousy English.

10) Stop your car on highway
While you going for a long trip and you get bored in the car, stop your car on the roadside with double signal on so no cars will bang on your ass. Point you fingers to something in the jungle, ask your friends to join. Soon, you will heard in the radio that the highway is having a massive jam. Hahahah, people are curious. I wanna do this.

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