Seriously, what have been bothering me recently is
Friends. :O
Well yea, bet most of the human. I mean most of course.
They have friends. Maybe hundred of them. Thousand of them or maybe million? :D
Awesome xD
But yea, hmm. Million of humans appear in your life.
Basically, you would forget part of them.
You totally don't remember that person ever appeared in your life.
And for sure, million of friends.
It could be only 2 or 3 will be your besties.
Isn't it ?
Yea, I wanna treat everyone as my best friends.
Haha but that's hell crap because it's freaking impossible.
In real life,
Best friends always change when you switched to new environment.
And you get heaps new friends and and and eventually you don't have much extra time to spend with your old best friends. Lol, OLD.
You don't get to see old 1 everyday, chit chat and bullshit about everything.
So, seriously, you will lost old 1 =(
Sad part ="(
For new one.
Like you level up to college or uni.
Or maybe u start to work.
You got new friends.
And you will see them everyday.
Start to talk a lot like whatever you saw.
Gossip everything you hear and saw.
Laugh together everyday.
Done something really stupid together.
And celebrate big day with them maybe?
Yea, of course.
Your old 1, new environment, new friends.
And what you two gonna do are like,
text each other sometime to ask hows life? Still alive there?
Any news? How was your dogs? Your neighbour?
And thats it.
You don't have much things to ask.
You don't feel like wanna ask more questions.
And lastly, you would just send:
Hey ya, Im gotta busy now. So talk to you sometime. TC.
And when time pass, you guys' memories will be histories.
New history are creating with others.
Reality :D mwahahahaha
In internet, social networks.
We having billion of 'friends' inside there.
Haha, and seriously.
You don't really remember them.
You remember some of them because they are ABCDEFG. Awesome, Brilliant, Cute, Donkey, Elegant, Funny and Good looking :D haha
Because they are just net friends, you don't know each other.
You can talk whatever you want.
As rude as :D
Cause they not gonna go to your house and slap you xD
Well yea,
I try to remember who chat with me before.
I try :D
But yea, some they really get so busy in their own life.
And they don't have time to put their butt on msn.
Seriously, I don't chat much in msn.
Haha, not with local that much.
Out of topic really fast. :D
And yea, when 1st conversation.
Really awesome.
I mean extremely awesome.
Like laughing really crazy when chatting.
But when the 2nd, 3rd times.
Hell, what the hell is going on?
Just Haha, Hehe, Hoho and then byebye
Not fun at all.
In conclusion, don't chat much with that guy anymore.
He is hell bored :D
I don't want to bother him.
Don't wanna disturb him in his life.
And seriously, some don't chat much anymore when they have new gf.
So, can't really get a good listener in this way.
Yea, at the end.
Whos gonna be your best friends until the day you die?
Your barbie dolls :D
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
My life recently :O :O
Wow yea,
recently not on this shit that much.
Kinda lazy.
Probably because of class started.
I guess.
nothing much been up to recently.
Just college.
Fooling around with mates.
And classes.
But I never done any work yet :D
Something creeping me up in college.
A classmate recorded and took my pictures when Im talking in front of classmates.
And I was like, Omg, what he is doing there!
When I asked my lecture to look at him, he hide his phone.
My lecture turned to me and ask, what?
Oh shit, nothing sir.
And everyone thought Im fooling with my lecture.
But luckily, I got his phone and deleted the video.
Lol, cant believe I can be so clever :D
But still, I cant find the picture he took.
He zoom in the picture and show it to me.
And I was like, Arrrghhhhh!! Im gonna kill u!
Hmm, but I think he deleted the picture after that.
Maybe. And hope so.
And yeah.
The next day.
Im having class from 9am to 3pm.
Better than usual day.
9am-5pm, tired as hell.
But we having the worst class ever ever on 1.30pm.
We hate this class the most.
Cos the lecture crap alot and never straight to the point.
And he always laugh with his own jokes.
Seriously, not funny at all.
And yeah, today the lecture came in the class late.
I mean half hour :D
Is a good news actually.
I even hope that this class cancel.
I wanna get out from this boring class !
So 3 of us just sitting there and chatting.
Only 3 of us in that class.
Then I came out with a stupid idea.
I suggested to hide under the table.
Cos I was thinking that,
When the lecture come in,
He will see no one in that class.
And probably he will get out and wait few more minutes.
Then we can start the class more late.
Wicked :D
So we hide under the table quietly.
And waiting for lecture to come in.
But we wait more longer than I expected.
Dammit, I started to feel boring and worry maybe we get the wrong class.
I text my friend to double confirm.
Few minutes later, all the other students came in.
Followed by lecture.
He came in and said, wait me for 5 minutes!
And shit, all the students saw us hiding under the table.
Omg~ Feel really shame.
Im so silly with that idea.
But still I dont want get out from that table.
And we started telling ghost stories under the table.
When we out of stories.
Lecture came in and asked,
where is those girls?
A guys answered: they absent, sir.
Oh shit, I was thinking,
Are we gonna hide until the class end?
Lecture said, 3 of them absent? Thats too much. Never mind, lets start our class.
Yea, 3 of us started to nervous.
Damn damn damn, my friends started asking me: Hey, wanna go out or not?
Lol, at last we get out too.
And lecture said, why 3 of us hiding under the table?
Dont like my class isn't it?
Shit, nobody answer him.
And yea, it was a stupid idea.
-My silly college life-
Yea, been worked last weekend and get sacked after that.
Lol, im so silly enough.
And too shy to do something new.
Im so useless. Mwahahaha.
Oh ya,
Im extremely bored.
And so I gone through all of my friends' blog.
Some were disappear and never update.
No changes in their blog.
And yea,
They having problems with their relationship.
Yea, Im sitting here reading u guys' blog.
And doing nothing.
Seriously, I wanna be with u when u're sad.
I wanna cry with u, sad with u.
Listen on whatever you say.
everything really different now.
We are too far away.
But we are still best friend.
Forever ever ♥
Wish u guys happy :)
Lol, what im crapping?
recently not on this shit that much.
Kinda lazy.
Probably because of class started.
I guess.
nothing much been up to recently.
Just college.
Fooling around with mates.
And classes.
But I never done any work yet :D
Something creeping me up in college.
A classmate recorded and took my pictures when Im talking in front of classmates.
And I was like, Omg, what he is doing there!
When I asked my lecture to look at him, he hide his phone.
My lecture turned to me and ask, what?
Oh shit, nothing sir.
And everyone thought Im fooling with my lecture.
But luckily, I got his phone and deleted the video.
Lol, cant believe I can be so clever :D
But still, I cant find the picture he took.
He zoom in the picture and show it to me.
And I was like, Arrrghhhhh!! Im gonna kill u!
Hmm, but I think he deleted the picture after that.
Maybe. And hope so.
And yeah.
The next day.
Im having class from 9am to 3pm.
Better than usual day.
9am-5pm, tired as hell.
But we having the worst class ever ever on 1.30pm.
We hate this class the most.
Cos the lecture crap alot and never straight to the point.
And he always laugh with his own jokes.
Seriously, not funny at all.
And yeah, today the lecture came in the class late.
I mean half hour :D
Is a good news actually.
I even hope that this class cancel.
I wanna get out from this boring class !
So 3 of us just sitting there and chatting.
Only 3 of us in that class.
Then I came out with a stupid idea.
I suggested to hide under the table.
Cos I was thinking that,
When the lecture come in,
He will see no one in that class.
And probably he will get out and wait few more minutes.
Then we can start the class more late.
Wicked :D
So we hide under the table quietly.
And waiting for lecture to come in.
But we wait more longer than I expected.
Dammit, I started to feel boring and worry maybe we get the wrong class.
I text my friend to double confirm.
Few minutes later, all the other students came in.
Followed by lecture.
He came in and said, wait me for 5 minutes!
And shit, all the students saw us hiding under the table.
Omg~ Feel really shame.
Im so silly with that idea.
But still I dont want get out from that table.
And we started telling ghost stories under the table.
When we out of stories.
Lecture came in and asked,
where is those girls?
A guys answered: they absent, sir.
Oh shit, I was thinking,
Are we gonna hide until the class end?
Lecture said, 3 of them absent? Thats too much. Never mind, lets start our class.
Yea, 3 of us started to nervous.
Damn damn damn, my friends started asking me: Hey, wanna go out or not?
Lol, at last we get out too.
And lecture said, why 3 of us hiding under the table?
Dont like my class isn't it?
Shit, nobody answer him.
And yea, it was a stupid idea.
-My silly college life-
Yea, been worked last weekend and get sacked after that.
Lol, im so silly enough.
And too shy to do something new.
Im so useless. Mwahahaha.
Oh ya,
Im extremely bored.
And so I gone through all of my friends' blog.
Some were disappear and never update.
No changes in their blog.
And yea,
They having problems with their relationship.
Yea, Im sitting here reading u guys' blog.
And doing nothing.
Seriously, I wanna be with u when u're sad.
I wanna cry with u, sad with u.
Listen on whatever you say.
everything really different now.
We are too far away.
But we are still best friend.
Forever ever ♥
Wish u guys happy :)
Lol, what im crapping?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Ya, narcissism. Narcissism. Narcissism.
Mean 自恋.
Recently, i knew a friend.
And i really understand what the hell is zi lian !
U can't imagine such a guy can be so damn freaking zi lian like him.
Okay, logically. Sometimes, narcissism good for us.
Because we have confident on ourselves.
But if you are more than that,
I really wanna throw u into the toilet bowl and flush u away.
Disappear forever in my life !
Bye bye !
Back to my friend.
Every single words that he said really pissed me off !
What he said, what he think, what he mentioned.
And i was like OH MY GOD !!
Can u just shut up for 3 seconds.
He snap pictures whenever he saw a nice place.
Helo, I mean whenever, wherever, and whoever with him.
Freak ass, I thought Im kind of zi lian.
But he is more !
Like, when he saw a nice place.
He will say: Hey hey, take picture for me.
And he started to pose.
People around was like, OMFG, knock it off !
U're damn disgusting with ur pose !
Can i throw u with my slippers ?
And together with my neighbour's slippers.
And my brothers' slippers? My aunts' slippers, my uncles' slippers.
I cant stand it.
Okay, u wanna take picture.
Take it as much as u can !
But the point is,
dont ever ask me to hold the camera,
see how is ur gay pose.
Then I count 1,2,3 cheese (U look gay!)
When I show u the picture, what I heard is
Dammit, I look like a model !
U look gay more than model u blind ass!
Or, I will heard
Hey, how did u hold the camera,
Look at me.
I look ugly from this angel.
Take again stupid.
Helo, u look ugly from any angels.
Could u just shut the fuck up.
Besides of that,
He love to say
I know Im cute, u dont have to say it.
U're disgusting.
Can i throw u with sport shoes?
Guys are not gentlemen like last time anymore.
I knew another guy before.
What I remember is,
He scolded me 'fuck u' when I answered him something not he expected.
Which is just small matter.
Helo, just A SMALL MATTER !
U dont have to scold 'fuck u'.
Is a mean word u dumb ass !
If u're in a bad mood.
Get lost, dont bother me and i wont bother u.
Fuck u dont have to come out from you.
So damn disappoint with guys like this.
Nice guys distinct.
I mean not only guys.
Good girls distinct too.
Girls nowadays,
Love clubbing,
Have sex under age.
Bla Bla Bla.
God bless u !!
Mean 自恋.
Recently, i knew a friend.
And i really understand what the hell is zi lian !
U can't imagine such a guy can be so damn freaking zi lian like him.
Okay, logically. Sometimes, narcissism good for us.
Because we have confident on ourselves.
But if you are more than that,
I really wanna throw u into the toilet bowl and flush u away.
Disappear forever in my life !
Bye bye !
Back to my friend.
Every single words that he said really pissed me off !
What he said, what he think, what he mentioned.
And i was like OH MY GOD !!
Can u just shut up for 3 seconds.
He snap pictures whenever he saw a nice place.
Helo, I mean whenever, wherever, and whoever with him.
Freak ass, I thought Im kind of zi lian.
But he is more !
Like, when he saw a nice place.
He will say: Hey hey, take picture for me.
And he started to pose.
People around was like, OMFG, knock it off !
U're damn disgusting with ur pose !
Can i throw u with my slippers ?
And together with my neighbour's slippers.
And my brothers' slippers? My aunts' slippers, my uncles' slippers.
I cant stand it.
Okay, u wanna take picture.
Take it as much as u can !
But the point is,
dont ever ask me to hold the camera,
see how is ur gay pose.
Then I count 1,2,3 cheese (U look gay!)
When I show u the picture, what I heard is
Dammit, I look like a model !
U look gay more than model u blind ass!
Or, I will heard
Hey, how did u hold the camera,
Look at me.
I look ugly from this angel.
Take again stupid.
Helo, u look ugly from any angels.
Could u just shut the fuck up.
Besides of that,
He love to say
I know Im cute, u dont have to say it.
U're disgusting.
Can i throw u with sport shoes?
Guys are not gentlemen like last time anymore.
I knew another guy before.
What I remember is,
He scolded me 'fuck u' when I answered him something not he expected.
Which is just small matter.
Helo, just A SMALL MATTER !
U dont have to scold 'fuck u'.
Is a mean word u dumb ass !
If u're in a bad mood.
Get lost, dont bother me and i wont bother u.
Fuck u dont have to come out from you.
So damn disappoint with guys like this.
Nice guys distinct.
I mean not only guys.
Good girls distinct too.
Girls nowadays,
Love clubbing,
Have sex under age.
Bla Bla Bla.
God bless u !!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Clubbing ? Noooo !!
" Helo helo baby you called i cant hear a thing,
I have got no service in the club you see see. "
Hey buddies over there,
Honestly, I need to tell you that,
I don't go to club,
I don't clubbing,
I don't smoke,
I don't drink,
and Im selfish too.
Because I wouldn't want my friends to take part in any one of them.
But probably, basically, technically, honestly, generally, seriously and actually
Friends who go clubbing often is the one I hate the most.
Oppps, sorry to say that.
But I really do.
And I mean it.
I dislike.
I always told by my friends that,
Nah, I go for enjoy songs.
I dont take alcohol in there.
Damn you, what for you go there then ?
Go and buy 1 super big speakers put beside your ears
Invite all your friends
and Boom all of your ear drums together,
Every night.
Thats really awesome.
And you can tell your mommy that,
Mom, im home. I didnt go anywhere tonight.
Okay, smoking in the club?
Bet most of the clubs allow smokers to smoke.
But some doesn't allow to smoke.
I will just talk about that one which allow.
Hello dude,
If u r non smoker, and u go there every single night.
U're the one who gonna come out with: Mom, I got lung cancer.
Im gonna die.
What im gonna do that?
I dont want to die yet.
I havent marry.
No child.
Is still early for me.
Mommmmmmmmmm, Dadddddddddddd !
I was joking.
Thats not gonna be so damn serious.
Probably you will have some difficulties in breathing I guess.
And god bless you then.
Another thing is
What I heard from my friend is
Ya, some drunk guys
They acting drunk I guess xD
Was trying to touch the girls' ass or boobs
And another, maybe maybe
They are kissing in the public
This is unethical behaviour
Haha, is really freaking normal nowadays.
No idea with that.
But kissing with a stranger would be really weird
Isnt it?
Hmm, whatever.
But I have to say that,
Most of my friends love to clubbing.
Yes, I'm serious.
And seriously.
I dont know what Im thinking on them.
Complicated feelings.
Smokers and also Drinkers
U're addicted on them.
If u never ever try to stop them
U never gonna stop them.
And lastly,
U will see what is the effect
U will regret.
We can do whatever we want.
If u do really want to stop it.
U could.
Control ur idiot mind,
Not ur idiot mind control u.
Dont ever tell me that
U want to stop it,
But i cant see u pt on any afford.
So get lost then
U not gonna make it.
I have got no service in the club you see see. "
Hey buddies over there,
Honestly, I need to tell you that,
I don't go to club,
I don't clubbing,
I don't smoke,
I don't drink,
and Im selfish too.
Because I wouldn't want my friends to take part in any one of them.
But probably, basically, technically, honestly, generally, seriously and actually
Friends who go clubbing often is the one I hate the most.
Oppps, sorry to say that.
But I really do.
And I mean it.
I dislike.
I always told by my friends that,
Nah, I go for enjoy songs.
I dont take alcohol in there.
Damn you, what for you go there then ?
Go and buy 1 super big speakers put beside your ears
Invite all your friends
and Boom all of your ear drums together,
Every night.
Thats really awesome.
And you can tell your mommy that,
Mom, im home. I didnt go anywhere tonight.
Okay, smoking in the club?
Bet most of the clubs allow smokers to smoke.
But some doesn't allow to smoke.
I will just talk about that one which allow.
Hello dude,
If u r non smoker, and u go there every single night.
U're the one who gonna come out with: Mom, I got lung cancer.
Im gonna die.
What im gonna do that?
I dont want to die yet.
I havent marry.
No child.
Is still early for me.
Mommmmmmmmmm, Dadddddddddddd !
I was joking.
Thats not gonna be so damn serious.
Probably you will have some difficulties in breathing I guess.
And god bless you then.
Another thing is
What I heard from my friend is
Ya, some drunk guys
They acting drunk I guess xD
Was trying to touch the girls' ass or boobs
And another, maybe maybe
They are kissing in the public
This is unethical behaviour
Haha, is really freaking normal nowadays.
No idea with that.
But kissing with a stranger would be really weird
Isnt it?
Hmm, whatever.
But I have to say that,
Most of my friends love to clubbing.
Yes, I'm serious.
And seriously.
I dont know what Im thinking on them.
Complicated feelings.
Smokers and also Drinkers
U're addicted on them.
If u never ever try to stop them
U never gonna stop them.
And lastly,
U will see what is the effect
U will regret.
We can do whatever we want.
If u do really want to stop it.
U could.
Control ur idiot mind,
Not ur idiot mind control u.
Dont ever tell me that
U want to stop it,
But i cant see u pt on any afford.
So get lost then
U not gonna make it.
Friday, June 18, 2010
True Love ♥
We may like alot of people in our life
But its impossible to find someone you really love
Hell yea,
i kinda agree with that
cause I havent met someone i really love
and cant live without him
Im waiting
and preparing to get hurt
If u have someone who really love now
Appreciate it
and never let it go
Follow him until u die xD
And haunted him for the rest of his life
Who is my true love
White horse prince XDD
But its impossible to find someone you really love
Hell yea,
i kinda agree with that
cause I havent met someone i really love
and cant live without him
Im waiting
and preparing to get hurt
If u have someone who really love now
Appreciate it
and never let it go
Follow him until u die xD
And haunted him for the rest of his life
Who is my true love
White horse prince XDD
Thursday, June 17, 2010
ع١٥٧ To Get Prettier ?
Oh well,
Honestly, I wanna get prettier.
And I bet everyone feel the same.
I guess so.
Maybe. XD
Basically, the first thing for me is
I wanna have long hair.
Very very long.
I mean until waist.
I was told by friends that,
girls with long hair look sexy
and pretty.
So, therefore this is what i wanna achieve.
Still need to wait few more years
*sigh x unlimited times
The next thing is,
Yea, face without pimples really look attractive to me.
Seriously it is.
Well, I cant get rid of all those pimples on my face.
And Im really desperate as hell.
*god save me ! (yes?)
And what else what else.
Oh ya, I ve seen alot of videos that posted on facebook
Taiwan girls really good in make up
Oh wow, I cant stop saying wow when Im watching all those videos
Thats really awesome and I admire alot.
But, I saw alot of foreigners comment that:
Asian girls are so fake.
Well, at least those girls didnt go for plastic surgery.
Agree agree agree.
But logically,
Physically, u're pretty.
What about mentally ?
U're pretty but u're brainless enough.
U're pretty but u dont know how to respect people
And u dont know how to treat someone nicely.
Bla bla bla~
Besides, physically u're pretty doesnt eternal
Inner beauty is the most important !
Physical beauty or Inner beauty ?
Inner beauty Physical beauty
Honestly, I wanna get prettier.
And I bet everyone feel the same.
I guess so.
Maybe. XD
Basically, the first thing for me is
I wanna have long hair.
Very very long.
I mean until waist.
I was told by friends that,
girls with long hair look sexy
and pretty.
So, therefore this is what i wanna achieve.
Still need to wait few more years
*sigh x unlimited times
The next thing is,
Yea, face without pimples really look attractive to me.
Seriously it is.
Well, I cant get rid of all those pimples on my face.
And Im really desperate as hell.
*god save me ! (yes?)
And what else what else.
Oh ya, I ve seen alot of videos that posted on facebook
Taiwan girls really good in make up
Oh wow, I cant stop saying wow when Im watching all those videos
Thats really awesome and I admire alot.
But, I saw alot of foreigners comment that:
Asian girls are so fake.
Well, at least those girls didnt go for plastic surgery.
Agree agree agree.
But logically,
Physically, u're pretty.
What about mentally ?
U're pretty but u're brainless enough.
U're pretty but u dont know how to respect people
And u dont know how to treat someone nicely.
Bla bla bla~
Besides, physically u're pretty doesnt eternal
Inner beauty is the most important !
Physical beauty or Inner beauty ?

Inner beauty Physical beauty
♥~I'm New~♥
Hey, hell yea.
After few minutes of struggling,
I finally made a decision.
To create my blog.
Honestly, I have no idea on what I should do.
Probably get my old friends on blog and say hello ?
And write something about my life over here ?
In a public ?
Aha, so yeah~
Im studying at Puchong.
In an useless college full of hot chocolate inside.
Everyday greet you with: hey yo, whats up ?
Im taking business admin
Everyone asking me why you taking this subject?
Why not this, this or this ?
Oh well, this decision made by my brother when Im in my National service camp.
I have no idea on what course I should continue.
So basically, I have no problem in this course.
On July, Im gonna start my new semester.
Year1 Sem 3~
*god, long way to go
Finish about my study,
Now what else. *sigh
Im actually sem break right now
Since 20May until July.
Doing part time job with rm6/hour
wuhoooo ♥
But this month I didnt work for 2 weeks
I ve been playing for these 2 weeks with my brothers
Hanging aroung with them and thats awesome
Thats it for now
After few minutes of struggling,
I finally made a decision.
To create my blog.
Honestly, I have no idea on what I should do.
Probably get my old friends on blog and say hello ?
And write something about my life over here ?
In a public ?
Aha, so yeah~
Im studying at Puchong.
In an useless college full of hot chocolate inside.
Everyday greet you with: hey yo, whats up ?
Im taking business admin
Everyone asking me why you taking this subject?
Why not this, this or this ?
Oh well, this decision made by my brother when Im in my National service camp.
I have no idea on what course I should continue.
So basically, I have no problem in this course.
On July, Im gonna start my new semester.
Year1 Sem 3~
*god, long way to go
Finish about my study,
Now what else. *sigh
Im actually sem break right now
Since 20May until July.
Doing part time job with rm6/hour
wuhoooo ♥
But this month I didnt work for 2 weeks
I ve been playing for these 2 weeks with my brothers
Hanging aroung with them and thats awesome
Thats it for now
You're not you anymore?

Hey, have you ever experience like, erm..
After you graduated from your secondary school, high school or whatever.
You lost contact with your classmates.
And one day, you saw them on the street.
I mean, not saw them.
They calling your name, you see them as a strangers.
A question mark pop in your brain.
Who the heck is this?
Then they said they are your ex classmates.
And you are like Oh My God!!
I cant believe my eyes.
They totally changed. Like pokemon changed?
They look really different and really good looking.
This freaking you out like how they can changed so much and you kinda regret that you should couple with them while school times.
LOL, and probably you still wearing your old glasses.
Wearing your clothes which mostly 3 years with you.
Still not changing much.
For guys, they transform like
they change from their hairstlye
and the way they dress up
For girls, they can transform in alot of ways.
Like hairstyle of course, the way they dress up
and the important one
i wanna change like that
I wanna be pretty XDD
Acne problems?
Well, im a simple girl. But some problems really annoy me for few months. My face started to grow alot of acne which look ugly. I felt shame and shy to meet with friends. And I always look down when Im walking at shopping malls.
Ya, i know. Alot of ways to prevent acne to pop up. Here are some ways we must follow:
1) Of course, everytime when we saw pimples on our faces. We cant help and we feel like, Argh, can you get out from my face. And then we started to squeeze it. Am i right? So, rule number 1:
You shouldn't squeeze, pick, scratch, or rub your skin as it makes the problem worse, and it might even cause scarring. Everyone know this rule, but still you are doing this.
2) For girls who are long hair, shampoo your hair daily. And try to keep it off your face as possible. Because sometime our hair are dirty.
3) Third rule will be choose correct cleanser, cream and everything that put on your face. I was told by my friends that Im using the wrong cleanser. My face is category as combination but not oily type. But yet, im using cleanser that is for oily skin. Well, yea. I think this is the reason my face have alot of pimples. Or maybe, use cleanser that are for acne. Its help!
4) Of course, as we know. We must consume alot of vegetables, fruits and bla bla bla foods that are healthy. Do not eat too much of spicy foods and fast foods. Ya, we know it. But we cant stop to eat foods that we love. So, as a solution. Buy heaps of fruits and put in your refrigerator. An apple a day, keep viruses away.
5) Do u know that? Expose too much to sun will cause pimples? So, if possible, don't go out when the sun is too strong. Maybe go out when night? Be night ghost.
6) Well, girls. We love make up and we do. But, if we didnt remove it completely. Cause pimples right? Some girls, they do remove it completely. But the next day, opps. Pimples come out to say hello. The reason is, you thought u had removed it completely. But yet, is not. Conclusion, throw away ur make up remover. Buy another that really works. Expensive doesnt matter. As long as it wont cause any pimples. Am i right?
7) Seventh rule, some of you think that facial scrub can help to brighten your acne spots. Hey, no. It may cause more pimples. Dont try to scrub on the pimples there.
8) Helo, this is the simplest way. Drink plenty of water. If you going to shopping or outdoor, make sure you bring along bottle of water. Most of us lazy to get water when we outside. Lazy to go coffee shop or buy water.
9) Wash your face 3 times daily. MAXIMUM 3 times. If you wash too much, your body my try and adapt by producing more oil. And congratulation, more pimples coming to you.
10) Last rule, if your pimples doesnt get better. Maybe you should consult doctor. Or do some treatment. Try to find the special treatment when it is in promotion. ( Cheaper than normal price and services still the same. LOL )
Okay, maybe you are angry that. Helo, all this rules i know. But honestly, did u really follow this 10 rules? Follow it for a period of times. Maybe 2 weeks ? Anyway, good luck to you
p/s: i wish all this rules work for me. Cause im serious with acne on my xxxx face. =(
Ya, i know. Alot of ways to prevent acne to pop up. Here are some ways we must follow:
1) Of course, everytime when we saw pimples on our faces. We cant help and we feel like, Argh, can you get out from my face. And then we started to squeeze it. Am i right? So, rule number 1:
You shouldn't squeeze, pick, scratch, or rub your skin as it makes the problem worse, and it might even cause scarring. Everyone know this rule, but still you are doing this.
2) For girls who are long hair, shampoo your hair daily. And try to keep it off your face as possible. Because sometime our hair are dirty.
3) Third rule will be choose correct cleanser, cream and everything that put on your face. I was told by my friends that Im using the wrong cleanser. My face is category as combination but not oily type. But yet, im using cleanser that is for oily skin. Well, yea. I think this is the reason my face have alot of pimples. Or maybe, use cleanser that are for acne. Its help!
4) Of course, as we know. We must consume alot of vegetables, fruits and bla bla bla foods that are healthy. Do not eat too much of spicy foods and fast foods. Ya, we know it. But we cant stop to eat foods that we love. So, as a solution. Buy heaps of fruits and put in your refrigerator. An apple a day, keep viruses away.
5) Do u know that? Expose too much to sun will cause pimples? So, if possible, don't go out when the sun is too strong. Maybe go out when night? Be night ghost.
6) Well, girls. We love make up and we do. But, if we didnt remove it completely. Cause pimples right? Some girls, they do remove it completely. But the next day, opps. Pimples come out to say hello. The reason is, you thought u had removed it completely. But yet, is not. Conclusion, throw away ur make up remover. Buy another that really works. Expensive doesnt matter. As long as it wont cause any pimples. Am i right?
7) Seventh rule, some of you think that facial scrub can help to brighten your acne spots. Hey, no. It may cause more pimples. Dont try to scrub on the pimples there.
8) Helo, this is the simplest way. Drink plenty of water. If you going to shopping or outdoor, make sure you bring along bottle of water. Most of us lazy to get water when we outside. Lazy to go coffee shop or buy water.
9) Wash your face 3 times daily. MAXIMUM 3 times. If you wash too much, your body my try and adapt by producing more oil. And congratulation, more pimples coming to you.
10) Last rule, if your pimples doesnt get better. Maybe you should consult doctor. Or do some treatment. Try to find the special treatment when it is in promotion. ( Cheaper than normal price and services still the same. LOL )
Okay, maybe you are angry that. Helo, all this rules i know. But honestly, did u really follow this 10 rules? Follow it for a period of times. Maybe 2 weeks ? Anyway, good luck to you
p/s: i wish all this rules work for me. Cause im serious with acne on my xxxx face. =(
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