Honestly, I wanna get prettier.
And I bet everyone feel the same.
I guess so.
Maybe. XD
Basically, the first thing for me is
I wanna have long hair.
Very very long.
I mean until waist.
I was told by friends that,
girls with long hair look sexy
and pretty.
So, therefore this is what i wanna achieve.
Still need to wait few more years
*sigh x unlimited times
The next thing is,
Yea, face without pimples really look attractive to me.
Seriously it is.
Well, I cant get rid of all those pimples on my face.
And Im really desperate as hell.
*god save me ! (yes?)
And what else what else.
Oh ya, I ve seen alot of videos that posted on facebook
Taiwan girls really good in make up
Oh wow, I cant stop saying wow when Im watching all those videos
Thats really awesome and I admire alot.
But, I saw alot of foreigners comment that:
Asian girls are so fake.
Well, at least those girls didnt go for plastic surgery.
Agree agree agree.
But logically,
Physically, u're pretty.
What about mentally ?
U're pretty but u're brainless enough.
U're pretty but u dont know how to respect people
And u dont know how to treat someone nicely.
Bla bla bla~
Besides, physically u're pretty doesnt eternal
Inner beauty is the most important !
Physical beauty or Inner beauty ?

Inner beauty Physical beauty
agree that girl hav long hair looks sexy n pretty^^
hi5 mamii~~
yoyoyoyo, then u vr sexy and pretty liao
haha *hi5*
where got~
my hair now short short nia...T^T
lol, why cut it ?
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