"You Look Different From Your Pictures"
Do you familiar with this dialogue, this sentence or this title?
For me, lots of people been saying the same damn thing to me when they see me.
I seriously no idea whether it's compliment or they actually critic me?
So yea, back to the topic.
What? I look different? YES, I got so many faces I hide in my closet and I change it everyday and that's why I look different. Is that what you want me to explain?
When people say that to me. I probably feel like: Maybe I'm different with make up and without make up? But when I think back the time when I was in secondary school, lots of friends say the same thing to me.
From the time I started to cam whore, I can't get ride of that shit anymore. You know why? Because I look different in pictures compare to real face. Oh Em Gee. So scary.
Let me show you some magic!! :D
When Im in secondary school, Im a Miss Glasses. I wear glasses in school. That's why I look totally like a nerd. A girl who study a lot and get good grades in school. Also, Im a braces girl *blush* Can you imagine how ugly I am on that time?
I'll show you pictures of mine of few years back!

* Left one: In school
Right(2): Cam whore at home.
You see the different now? This is before I got my braces on. I think I was 15 years old when I take these pictures. *

* This is scary shit! *

* Ahahahaha, so gay! :p *
Remember few years back, FRIENDSTER was so popular? I used to have an account for that. And when my school mate saw my profile, they came to me and say: WHOA, is that your pictures on your friendster's profile? You look totally different!
Bahhhh I hate it when people say that to me. I feel sad. I tried so hard to make myself look the same with my pictures. Hahahahaha. But I failed. I always look different.
I even have a thought that: Maybe it was all my phone's problem? My phone makes me look different? And you know what I do? I purposely snap a picture using a digital camera.

* This is the result. I showed it to my friend and said: You see, I think it's not phone's problem. I still look different. This is still me: LiQii Woo!! RAWRRR! *
Even now, I still cannot get rid of it. I know, if you compare your passport picture with your cam-whore picture. THAT IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT! Am I right?
You might vomit what you just ate if I show you my passport or IC picture. So forget about it. LOL. Seriously, I don't feel much different even I make up or without make up.

* With & without make up. Not much different righttttt? *
I go to college without any make up and wearing super casual all the time. My college mate, they added me on facebook and when they saw my pictures on facebook. They were like: Omg, Georgina, you look really pretty when you got your make up on.
So what you mean now? You're saying I'm ugly all the time when I'm in college without make up? IS THAT WHAT YOU MEAN?!
More worst when I got my photoshoot pictures and posted it. My friends saw it, usually their first reaction was like: OMG, LIQII!!! IS THAT YOU?????
WARHHHH, I seriously going crazy with all those questions. If it's not me, would it be your mother?!
Some of my friends said: Woah, you look different from your pictures! Your pictures so pretty and your real people.. Errr, still pretty la! But different leh! BAHHHHH, Im gonna whack you now!
Normal me, I don't really put lots of effort on make up when I hang out with friends. I don't even mind wearing a t-shirt, short pant and slippers, err, I mean sometime I don't mind. Friends saw the real me, know the real me. But when photoshoot, of course is different. I needa put lotsa make up and dress up well ok?

* You seeeee *
I thought that is because before make up and after make up. Or angle problem, light problem, face problem and so many things.
Still, I got one more problem. Sometime, when I photoshoot. After the photographer snap me, they look at the picture and look at me with a surprise face. And said: WHOA!! You don't look like you when you're in picture. It's different it's different!
WAHHHHHHHHH! Did I just squeeze my face on the picture?!!