♥ Polaroid, u see the cam? You see it you see it? Good ! ♥
I will make this post really really long and make you read until you feel dizzy! mwahaha. I will tell many details about it. Die?
So early in the morning(actually 7.30am la). I got call from the crew told me that: Hey Georgina, are you coming for the date? You have to come okay? We will fix it up and see what can we do. But you must come. We must record it. See you.
Fix what? Actually, my date already told me he cannot come for the recording. So I was like: Ohhh, he cannot go. I go for what? Paktor with myself meh?
I told them, he didn't go lah. I go for what? At the end, I have to go.
Prepared everything, fly to Sri Pentas. Traffic jam like hell ! Finally arrived, thanks to my awesome friend, Xun sending me there. Pity him only lol.
Waited for awhile at the Ground floor. Then ya, we're going to the first dating place. I don't know where is the place and also the place's name. It only takes us 10 minutes to get there. Hahaha. So pictures:

♥ My ss-ness starting liao ♥

♥ In the NTV7 eh van , OTW going ♥
Yaya, finally arrived la. Im wearing a high heels. But the place is not suitable at all. Wawa and I went to toilet. Touch up the make up ourself because no hairstylist and make up artist. Changed our clothes and shoes. And yes, start the game!
First thing is, we walk. Hahaha, then I sit. Start ss. My date didn't come ma. So I dont know how they gonna record it. Talk talk sit sit walk walk take pictures and see see around.

♥ SS again ♥
Aiya, straight to the point la. Very lazy to type! Hahaha. 1st thing is: cameraman ask me do the same things for more than 5 times. Cause he wants to take it in different different angles. I did the same things again and again. This is just the front part. And next part is like Im waiting for people and keep looking at watch.
p/s: I thought my date is coming because they told me he might come for awhile. But then no leh. What I can say is: kanasai la!
lol, don't remember what else I did. After that is, picnic part.
Wahlau, eat & drink alone in front of those cameramens and redribbons peoples. But the foods and drinks really nice :D !! Hahaha

♥ Picnic part, and the table there, see see? Tell you later ♥

♥ They haven't put the cookies yet, cause got lots of ants ♥

♥ Same thing loh ♥
So this is it, after that start recording liao. I need to pour hot water into the cup. Put sugar. Do this do that. And eat. Wahlau, really nice :D

♥ WTF, what I'm doing? But hey, the cookies! ♥

♥ Sia sui only ♥
Picnic part finished. Next, move to my favourite part! Wuhoooo~ :D polaroid polaroid But first, Im gonna show you what is on the table :D

♥ The camera, filem, decoration paper, pens, scrap book. lotsa things! ♥

♥ Randomly ♥

♥ I like the moustache and the clown hair! ♥

♥ Random again ♥

♥ The board there! lol ♥
Then Im allowed to 自拍 with the cam. Lalalala~~ start take pictures ! Wuhooo. All are mine mine mine!!! Start take pictures everywhere everywhere. Hmmm.

♥ Finding place to take pictures ♥

♥ chi chak! ♥

♥ Im not happy at all :( ♥

♥ I like this :D ♥

♥ LOL kaki ayam! ♥

♥ From far ♥
Ahahaha finally, after walking around and everything. It's time for me to put all those pictures in the scrap book they provided and start decorating it! Bahh, alone T_T

♥ Serious face haha ♥

♥ Done? Nah, not even half ! ♥

♥ Stop record and come helps me decorate also T_T ♥

♥ Wuhooo~ ♥
I got 11 pictures, but I only decorate 4 pages and also helped by RedRibbonsDay people! Hahaha they are much more creative and faster than me! Hahaha.
And this is the 1st part of the day. After that we will need to go for the meals at Tamarind Spring. Right spelling or na?
But before that, ss and pictures :)

♥ He is cleaning all those stuffs haha ♥

♥ Wawa & Jai ♥

♥ See the 3 dots? It's actually balloons. They told me to make a wish and let them go T_T Sad ♥

♥ Left: He is nice. My shoe(borrowed from wawa on that day) rosak liao! So I cant walk with the shoe when I need to walk around the field and take pictures. He took off his shoes together so I won't look so odd :D
♥ Middle: He is talkative. He talks a lot and very concern about peoples.He got a lot of stories. Hahaha we talked about Iphone. His Iphone is pink colour! With mirrors behind. Nawww I love it!
♥ Right: He is the one who interview me during the audition. Very nice and concern about people too. He talks really soft haha. And quite funny cause I saw him did a lot of actions in front of cam haha

♥ He is Jai, Wawa's date! Damn sampat also ♥
You can watch it in this website:
But remember register first! :)
After this dating activities, we will need to go for meal at Tamarind Spring. I'll talk about that in the next post!
Thank you!
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