Continue from last post: After my polaroid, we are heading to Tamarind Spring for meal. I will just show pictures. Cause I seriously don't have anything to talk about.

* OTW going to Tamarind Spring, lol this is the first time I pass by this terowong :P *
After a long way, no idea how long it is. Finally we arrived! Wuhoooo~pictures :)

* OTW going in there, seriously, nice environment there :) *

* Tamarind Spring ^.^ *

* This is upstair when you get in there :) *

* The other side of view :) *
Wawa and I went to toilet and touch up our make up, changed clothes and everything. But the toilet is too hot T_T

* Wawa n I in the toilet, she is super duper cute!! ♥ *
After done everything in the toilet, we came out to wait :) Rawr, and start ss. wuhooo~ :)

* SSing, taken by Wawa :) *

* Taken by Wawa too :) *

* Ganesan, he is Kadmani's date ♥ *

* SSing before recording *
Then they call us to go downstair luuu~

* OTW going downstair :D *

* View of part of it. Tamarind Spring is soooo big for me :/ *

* Jai, he is rushing for his recording with Wawa :D *

* ss again T.T *
Ta-da, finally can start recording already. Yuhooo~ first is...

* I need to walk downnnnnnnn adoiiii~ *

* This is what they show on TV :) *

* First appetizer! I have no idea whats that, but it tastes sweet tho. and nice actually :D *
They record before I eat, and record after I eat. Damn patiently cause I eat so slow and they need to wait. Also, they eat together too cause there have extra one. :D

* The drink :D *

* My meal :D RAWR!! ♥ *
They record before I eat and before I finish it. hmmm. It's just short recording but it takes ages to finish :/

* Last one, dessert ♥*
Finally done. Wuhoooo but still got 1 is record me feeding fishes. Then then interview.
'Georgina, tell us what you feel today?'

* This is the place I sit and tell them bout my feelings. Hahaha, see that fellow, he did lots of emotions when he's sitting there xD *

* Wuhoooo~ *

* there :D *
Putting mic on us is a very difficult task. I mean for me. Because Im wearing a dress and I forgot to wear a short pant inside. =/ So idk how to describe. But it's annoying with the mic haha :D
After all the interview, telling all the feelings. Not done yet! One more scene is he records me walk walk walk and walk =.= Yea.

* Last part of it. Nawww, Im so happy. Finally done! ♥♥♥ *
Heading back heading back!! ♥ SS start!!

* Tired dumb face! Bahhhhh *

* Wawa & Me! Nawww I love her so much!!!!! ♥ She is cute & sweet ♥♥♥ *

* NTV7 your feel good channel ! BAhahaha *

* ta da, my scrap book. Decorate by them haha :D *
It's a great experience I ever had. Had fun a lot. Know lots of pretty girls. Cameramen are nice. People nice. All nice. My dad is very happy and excited to see me on TV. He tells the whole world to see it. My mum, she didn't give a shit to watch it on TV. But she learn to watch it on She is kinda noob in internet but she did watch it after that. Well done =) Watch if you want:
(TMO extra)
It because I date with no one in the episode. People see it's like I'm really sad and pity. Some people misunderstand me for some shits but I don't give a damn.
'La la la, whatever, la la la, it doesn't matter, la la la, oh well, la la la'
But the funny part is, a cute guy asked me: hey I think I saw you before. Then I was like: Huh? NO! NO! I don't know you at all. Then he said: Yes I did, you were in the show calls Take Me Out right? 'Oh yea, you watched it? OMG!' And the next thing he said was: Your date didn't come right? 'Ahhhh, yea =/'
That's it for today. After you finish read, kindly please click on the advertisement. Arigatou gozaimas. Have a nice dayyyyyyyyyyyy =)
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